When it comes to unconventional brides, Liz fits the bill perfectly! She is confident and knows exactly what she wants. Liz visited many bridal salons looking for her vision, or for someone who could create her vision, but to no avail. Everywhere she went, she was shown beautiful wedding gowns, but none that resonated with her vibe. Then one day, she happened upon Soliloquy Bridal Couture in Herndon, VA and was referred to me, their in-house designer and alterations specialist.
We had an instant rapport, and I found her to be fearless, adventurous and creative. When Liz began to tell me the story behind the inspiration for her gown and that she planned on wearing a real ceremonial dagger at her waist, I was completely intrigued and immediately started designing in my head. Liz told me that throughout history, women have been kidnapped & forced to marry. That is why the bride stands on the groom’s left side, so that his sword arm is free. That is also why the groom has groomsmen as backup, in case the bride’s family attempted to stop the wedding. The Bride wearing a dagger symbolizes that she is here of her own free will, and I was blown away by the history lesson I was given.
With all that in mind, I was given direction that her gown color would be black and need to be a two piece midriff style. I knew I would have to make sure the waistband of her design was reinforced and strong enough to hold the heavy dagger throughout the entire event. I was truly inspired by Liz’s boldness to stay true to herself and her conviction of what she wanted for her wedding.
Below is the design Liz selected!
This project was so much fun to work on. First, it was a two piece design and made draping, patternmaking, and the construction process a little easier.
Reinforcing the waistband to hold the heavy dagger took some creative work and several fittings. Finally, I was able to get all the right textiles to stabilize and keep the waistband sturdy but also keep the inside comfortable to the touch.
This is the only photo I have of Liz at one of her fittings to check the sturdiness of the waistband on the skirt, she also brought the dagger to check the placement.
It was a beautiful piece of artwork and wonderful to see it all together. I know she had a custom head piece and arm cuff designed in silver to coordinate with her gown. Liz, it was so much fun to work with you, and I know you and Brian will have an adventurous life together.